You have to decompile all csgo animations, under steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\models and also steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials after this, you open crowbar, and get the guns models, and place them in a different folder. Then you load the decompiled files into SFM, where you choose the v_rifxxxxxxx. You do this by pressing load new model on the + button. Then right-click on the thing that pops up, and add sequence, and add the animation you want. :) You can find tutorials on how to decompile csgo assets, and how to get csgo assets into sfm :) have a nice day ;)
You have to decompile all csgo animations, under steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\models and also steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials after this, you open crowbar, and get the guns models, and place them in a different folder. Then you load the decompiled files into SFM, where you choose the v_rifxxxxxxx. You do this by pressing load new model on the + button. Then right-click on the thing that pops up, and add sequence, and add the animation you want. :) You can find tutorials on how to decompile csgo assets, and how to get csgo assets into sfm :) have a nice day ;)
Hey, i have been having problems getting the maps decompiled, can you send som maps, or do you know where i can download some? Im also looking for the new nuke, but cant seem to decompile that one either. Can you maybe send it in fbx. if you have time? :)
Heey MP i have been trying to get the default csgo animations into c4d but it never works. I start out by getting materials and models folder out of the pak.01dir and then i decompile the "ct_animations.mdl" and the same with "t_animations.mdl". then i use IOgre plugin for c4d and import. but nothing shows up. I also used the smd patch .bat but shit still dont work... any suggestions? Revizion told me to put models, then animation, into blender before using c4d.. halp pls
I basically followed the "import csgo models into blender & c4d" tutorial.
I basically followed the "import csgo models into blender & c4d" tutorial.