Patrick Hunt: Big Action Collaboration!

Many of us hold great passion for video games and creating videos about video games. Our style in expressing our feeling is always different and we do it via different ways. But Patrick has gone huge, big, he just literally gone WILD. He, legit, creates films about whatever comes on his mind, either it a game, a drug effect, or both at the same time! Well seriously some of his releases are so, ermm, outstanding that I question myself, what kind of a dope this guy has? Well long story short, he is a big guy with madskillz!

But enough of Hunt himself, time to talk about his one of the greatest upcoming project, called Big Action Collaboration. Basically it's a collab between animators to create DAMN HUGE ACTION FILM! Patrick wants to create a film from pieces of your, dear viewer and editor, submissions! Just follow the guidelines that patrick explained in the video below and GO! Create some dope ass action and send em to Patrick!

Update: Deadline was extended up to 31 december.

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