HLAE 2.51.0

HLAE 2.51.0 (2018-07-07T12:44Z)

  • Included AfxHookSource 1.41.0 (2018-07-07T12:44Z).

AfxHookSource 1.41.0 (2018-07-07T12:44Z)

  • Adjusted (again) to CS:GO 7/6/2018 (version Now automatically detects if ScaleformUI or PanoramaUI and should work with both.

ATTENTION, the ScaleformUI update now uses the new interface for mirv_deathmsg and mirv_replace_name, which replicate again bellow for your convenience:

  • Readded mirv_deathmsg, the interface changed, but it has all features it used to have (even more, i.e. every id can be userID or XUID of a player, also trace (userId) or xTrace (XUID) to use current POV, see mirv_deathmsg help id for more info). Examples: 1) mirv_deathmsg fake attackerId=4 victimId=5 weapon=ak47 headshot=1 // will make a death notice for the player with userID 4 killing the player with userId 5 with an headshot from ak47, will only work if one death message has been shown already. 2) mirv_deathsmg localPlayer xTrace // sets the current POV player as localPlayer by their XUID. 3) mirv_deathsmg lifeTime 100.5 // sets the next default death notice life time to 100.5 seconds, to clear notices jump back to i.e. round start. 4) mirv_deathsmg lifeTimeMod 1.0 // sets the next default death notice life time multiplier for local player time 1. 5) mirv_deathsmg lifeTimeMod default // Restores default life time multiplier. 6) mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=!xTrace victimMatch=!xTrace block=1 lastRule=1 // block all death messages except of the player by XUID in the current POV.

  • Readded mirv_replace_name, the interface changed, but it has all features it used to have (even more, i.e. every id can be userID or XUID of a player, also trace (userId) or xTrace (XUID) to use current POV, see mirv_replace_name help id for more info).

  • Known problems: mirv_streams preview drawHud will always draw the PanoramaUI HUD on the full screen, if it hasn't been drawn yet: https://github.com/advancedfx/advancedfx/issues/60

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