Отдельный стрим для интерфейса в CS:GO (Vegas Pro)

Отдельная благодарность Germany ripieces

Работает начиная с версии 2.46.0 HLAE

mirv_streams add normal main
mirv_streams add hudBlack hudBlack
mirv_streams add hudWhite hudWhite

Всякие математические штуки, стоящие за режимами наложения и стримами:

mmhud.txt v3

Variable names / description:

game - original colour output by game on screen (with HUD)
a - original alpha used by game for HUD)

hud - original game HUD colour

bg - "main" stream, original game background (everything drawn without HUD)

hudBlack - "hudBlack" stream
hudWhite - "hudWhite" stream

vegas - Output in Sony Vegas.

aeMain - The composition with bg stream, which you probably mainly will want to edit and add effects.
aeGame - Output in Adobe After Effects.

Don't forget that we are in _clamped_ RGB space, so you need to take extra care when manipulating the formulae!

game = a * hud + (1-a) * bg

hudWhite = a * hud + (1-a) * 1
hudBlack = a * hud + (1-a) * 0

vegas = ((hudWhite - hudBlack)) * bg +(1-(hudWhite - hudBlack)) * 0 + hudBlack
= (1-a) * bg + a * hud
= game

aeMain = bg
aeGame = (hudWhite-hudBlack) * aeMain + (1-(hudWhite-hudBlack)) * 0 + hudBlack
= (1-a) * bg + a * hud
= game

Автор: ZZ Barabulyko

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