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A nerf is used to stop something being overpowered and return it
Автор: RU sunxuemei

Hello there wondering what I need to bind besides my current prom 2h and gorg platebody. Haven't done a great deal of dg so I am just lvl 90 but I plan on getting into it more during eoc. So, what sort of things do I add to your own repertoire? Place 1: 1H weapon, protect, platebody, hood OR 2H weapon, platebody, platelegs, hood. If you want, you could try a hybrid pair instead, sacrificing some protection for more versatility. You can replace the leg thing with BN or Hex in case you find one of these. Hex remains broken in eoc though. Surgebox is currently glitched in the live game, and is becoming obsolete anyway in eoc because staves supply all elemental runes.

Compared to this emptiness nerf, this nerf really made sense because of all of the people I have seen using it and using it a couple times, It was fairly OP. They more than halved its potential harm, what about that makes sense? Dharok's was like this, except it was really overpowered. Ridiculously overpowered, even. It seems sensible that it could be nerfed down to some other Barrows gear.

Whatever you dont receive it, Jagex does not understand the idea of a nerf. A nerf is used to stop something being overpowered and return it to a level at which it is acceptable, they have made dharoks a different pair of generic level 70 gear that is useless in comparison to Veracs. Jagex need to stop turning usable content to content that is dead, Barrows is 1 release away from getting completly redundant as it's.

Drag an inventory space to it if you would like to link this to the action bar. I really don't think you can link summoning scrolls to it but I could be incorrect. 1 thing about EoC I'd inform you before you start is that you should either double wield (weapons in both hands) or utilize a two-handed weapon for maximum damage output, which means something like a whip (dirt cheap today by the way) would not be very successful unless you have an off-hand variant also. Good fortune, but I imagine it could be a small shock because there have been a lot of significant changes.
The details of the game information in https://www.winrsgold.com/
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