HLAE 2.83.0

HLAE 2.83.0 (2019-13-30T18:34Z)

  • Included AfxHookSource 1.72.0 (2019-13-30T18:34Z).

  • Included AfxHookGoldSrc 2.6.5 (2019-13-30T17:57Z).

  • Recompiled with latest Visual Studio 16.4.2 and packaged with latest CRT - now requires at least Windows 7. (Windows XP is not supported anymore.)

AfxHookSource 1.72.0 (2019-13-30T18:34Z)

  • Added 1:1 sample aspect ratio (SAR) info to default ffmpeg video filter params (now: -vf vflip,setsar=sar=1/1), fixes #252 weird video resolution recording with ffmpeg (wrong resolution for video programs defaulting to non square SAR).

  • Breaking change: For ffmpeg presets {AFX_STREAM_PATH} does not contain a trailing backslash anymore! (Also default ffmpeg presets have been adjusted to include \ which means .)

  • Recompiled with latest Visual Studio 16.4.2 and packaged with latest CRT - now requires at least Windows 7. (Windows XP is not supported anymore.)

AfxHookGoldSrc 2.6.5 (2019-13-30T17:57Z)

  • Recompiled with latest Visual Studio 16.4.2 and packaged with latest CRT - now requires at least Windows 7. (Windows XP is not supported anymore.)

Original release page

  • Размер: 3.151 MB
  • Кол-во скачиваний: 688
  • Скачать
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