HLAE 2.73.0

HLAE 2.73.0 (2019-06-15T19:03Z)

  • Included AfxHookSource 1.63.0 (2019-06-15T19:03Z).

AfxHookSource 1.63.0 (2019-06-15T19:03Z)

  • Fixed #176 mirv_calcs motionProfile2 bug: Use more correct rotation modulo. Also fixed the rotation modulo for mirv_pgl draw, this should not be a breaking change is most common cases, since the engine limits the angles itself already and that range should still have the same output.
  • Added mirv_calcs cam add current.
  • Added mirv_cam order - allows to change camera override order.
  • Added: mirv_input cfg mouseMoveSupport 0|1: If enabled(1) You can use left / right mouse button to move left / right or (forward / backward or up / down) in mirv_input camera mode. Default is off (0).
  • Added: mirv_input cfg offsetMode last|ownLast|game|current: Default: current, last - old method (last outputted), ownLast - as outputted by mirv_input, game - as outputted by game, current - as outputted by current overrides. ` // Bonus config script: mirv_input cfg ksens 1 mirv_input cfg msens 0.05

mirv_calcs cam add current game mirv_calcs vecAng add cam game game mirv_calcs vecAng add value forward 1 0 0 0 0 0 mirv_calcs vecAng add offset gameForward game forward 0 mirv_calcs handle add value dummy 0 mirv_calcs vecAng add motionProfile2 gameSmooth game dummy mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limXVelo 1600 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limXAcel 200 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limYVelo 1600 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limYAcel 200 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limZVelo 1600 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limZAcel 200 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRXVelo 360 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRXAcel 360 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRYVelo 360 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRYAcel 360 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRZVelo 360 mirv_calcs vecAng edit gameSmooth limRZAcel 360

alias "afx_smooth_on" "mirv_cam order move input 0; mirv_cam source calcVecAng gameSmooth; mirv_input camera; mirv_input cfg offsetMode ownLast; mirv_input cfg mouseMoveSupport 1" alias "afx_smooth_off" "mirv_input end; mirv_cam source calcVecAngClear; mirv_cam order default; mirv_input cfg offsetMode last; mirv_input cfg mouseMoveSupport 0"


echo "enter afx_smooth_off to turn smooth off" `

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