HLAE 2.71.0

HLAE 2.71.0 (2019-06-08T12:48Z)

  • Included AfxHookSource 1.61.0 (2019-06-08T12:48Z).

AfxHookSource 1.61.0 (2019-06-08T12:48Z)

  • Added #185: special "afxDefault" mirv_streams setting, that you can use to set a default setting (Example: mirv_streams settings edit afxDefault settings afxFfmpeg).
  • Fixed #184: mistake in mirv_pgl start help.
  • Added #170: Toggle for spherical depth correction: mirv_streams baseFx streams drawZMode now supports pyramidalLinear and pyramidalLogE, for those that don't like the spherical correction for linear / logE.
  • Deprecated alphaMatteEntity, alphaMatte, alphaEntity, alphaWorld streams.
  • Updated mirv_streams baseFx stream's vguiAction: it's now changeable.
  • Updated material files for black, mask, white actions to make sure they are really black (0,0,0), really mask green (0,255,0) and really white (255,255,255) again.
  • Added #174: Simpler experimental matte stream (with alpha channel) ("Will it be able to record alpha layer?"): Set the drawMatte action as action for things to be drawn on the matte. This is still very far from perfect (e.g. smoke will still screw it up), we hope being able to improve these. Please note: Since this is a multi-stream composed on the CPU, preview is currently not implemented.

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  • Размер: 3.089 MB
  • Кол-во скачиваний: 747
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